Heartleaf 95% Facial Sheet Mask


Product Features:

  • 95% Heartleaf Extract: Our Quick Fix Sheet Mask is infused with an impressive 95% Heartleaf extract, maintaining your skin's optimal moisture balance for a fresh, revitalized complexion.
  • Biodegradable Tencel Fiber Fabric: The high-density Tencel sheet adheres snugly to your skin, ensuring a comfortable, close fit for effective skincare.
  • Gentle and Safe: This mask is designed to be non-irritating, making it suitable for sensitive skin, offering you peace of mind while pampering your skin.
  • Packaged with Bio-based Protego Paper: We've taken a sustainable approach by packaging our masks with bio-based Protego paper, making a positive impact on the environment.
  • Calming & Soothing
  • Hydrating & Moisturizing


After cleansing your face, tone skin and apply the mask evenly onto face, aligning with eyes and lips. Remove after 10-20 minutes and gently pat the remaining essence into skin.

20g / 0.71 oz. (5ea)

Contains 95% of Heartleaf Extract

Heartleaf contains active ingredients such as flavonoids and alkaloids, which help balance the skin’s condition.

Tencel Sheet

Feel the plentiful moisture of the soft and moist essence with Tencel sheet.

Completed primary skin irritation test

Primary skin irritation test has been completed so that you can use it mildly without worrying about irritation.